"...ready for whatever labour brings"

A review from Mr and Mrs Clark - click for the full review

Feedback after the course:

We cannot thank Angela enough for everything she has taught us and all the questions she has answered! Thank you so much for empowering me so that I am ready for whatever labour brings! Love N and D x

Feedback after birth:

We could not recommend My Yorkshire Midwife's hypnobirth course enough. The best investment we have EVER made. Myself and my husband chose to do the private course for more flexibility and also so we could ask questions that we may not have asked in front of other couples. The course allowed me to let go of my fears of labour and childbirth and understand exactly what my body would be doing during the whole process. I was also nervous about induction and interventions but Angela provided some additional material to read about this, which made me feel better informed and confident. My husband was completely onboard and we practiced the relaxation techniques as much as we could. I also fell asleep to the tracks every night. We watched hypnobirth videos on YouTube to see how other couples had used the techniques as well. We planned a homebirth and had everything prepared with fairy lights and candles etc. Unfortunately I become high risk in my last week of pregnancy and my dreams of a homebirth slipped away. BUT! Did I still achieve my empowering and calm birth... YES! How? Because everything we had learnt from the course allowed us to make informed decisions that were right for both me and my baby. I tuned into my body and followed my instincts every step of the way. I had a wonderful empowering and calm labour. Both my husband and myself enjoyed the process of labour. I didn't once feel scared because I knew what my body was doing. I visualised my body opening and relaxing and used the breathing techniques to welcome every surge. I am truly grateful for everything we learnt from Angela. Thank you Angela, from the bottom of my heart ❤

Mr and Mrs Clark: Private client: hypnobirth programme