Frequently Asked Questions

What is a private midwife?

Private, or independent midwives, are fully insured midwives, legally registered with the same qualifications as our NHS colleagues, but we choose to work outside of the structure of the NHS. We are registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council and legally obligated to declare our practice in the same ways as midwives who work in the NHS.

Why should I choose a private midwifery care?

As a private midwives we are afforded the time to dedicate to you and your family, building relationships and trust that helps you feel confident in your journey. We educate both you and your partner as individuals - focusing on your specific needs. Sadly, the NHS maternity system currently struggles with time and resource constraints, which leads to feelings of disappointment for all involved within maternity care. Independent midwifery aims to ensure that birthing choices sit with the woman and her support network through education and knowledge. We guarantee access to your wishes for a homebirth. Research shows that families who receive individualised care with a trusted healthcare professional results in safer outcomes for those women and their babies. You can read more here;

NHS vs private maternity care: what are your options? - Which?

What are independent midwives? (

national-maternity-review-report.pdf (

Do we need to pay the full investment for our midwife care package upfront?

No you don't! We require non-refundable £2000 deposit to confirm your birth package booking.

80% of the full balance is required to be paid by 36 weeks of pregnancy with the remainder due by the end of the postnatal care period.

Credit card payments can be facilitated - get in touch for more details.

Refund Policy

Due to the nature of pregnancy and birth being somewhat unpredictable the following should be noted;

  1. A refund will not be provided should your baby be born before the arrival of your on call midwife.

  2. A refund will not be provided should your baby be born before the commencement of your agreed on call period (usually 37 weeks gestation).

  3. A refund will not be made should we deem it necessary to transfer your care to the hospital setting during your labour and birth.

  4. A refund amount will be agreed between both parties to cover care received in the exceptional cases of miscarriage or extremely premature birth.

Cancellation Policy

We appreciate that occasions arise which necessitate clients/companies cancelling their bookings due to unforeseen circumstances and we therefore try to be flexible in our approach to each individual case. Obviously, we are affected by cancellations financially. All deposits are therefore non refundable. All payments that are made towards an agreed payment plan are non refundable.

What about screening tests?

You will be offered screening tests (such as scans and bloods) via the NHS booking hospital of choice.

We are also able to signpost to further testing should this be your preference at private clinics in the area.

At what gestation should we start the Hypnobirth programme?

When would you like to start? You may want to start as soon as you find out you are pregnant if you have many worries about the pregnancy. You may want to come later on in pregnancy if you have only just heard about hypnobirthing.
Most couples come between 25 and 36 weeks of pregnancy, but it is entirely up to you.
Please give us a call and we can discuss this in more detail.

Can we do a short Hypnobirth course?

We don't usually recommended this, however, we can prepare an intensive private course if necessary. The course is a complete birth preparation programme and all parts are essential to ensure that you have the best possible opportunity to have a positive birth experience.
We offer a refresher course if you have used a hypnobirthing method for a previous pregnancy. Please contact us for further information on an intensive or refresher course to suit your individual needs.

Can we join in digitally?

Yes! Of course! We want you to feel comfortable and help you to achieve a calm and comfortable birth wherever you are in the world! Please get in touch to have a chat.